Some of our thinking
We help leaders and their businesses develop and execute commercial, customer and cultural strategies

Frenicity and Flow
What if we stopped and said ‘just give me one thing that would give me energy, efficiency, results and elation?’ You surely would be tempted to think ‘we’re talking about narcotics are we?’, or maybe you might think ‘are we referring to those spiked-up energy drinks?’ Perhaps, and even hopefully, you might even reflect that […]

Reflecting on the pursuit of better (through GenAI)
‘Education is the passport to the future’, Malcolm X once proclaimed, to articulate an innate belief that persistent rediscovery is necessary in the pursuit of true identity. This is more than ever of relevance today. With the treasure trove of technologies that are increasingly empowering us to redefine business and society, the latest of those […]

Demystifying the ‘D’ words – Disruption and Digital
For many in the business realm, particularly with an interest in or requirement to participate in strategy, digital disruption has become a repeatably prevalent if not pervasive pursuit. Why? Because information technology, born in the middle of the last century, took on new meaning at the end of the first decade of the 21st century […]

Right people, right topic, right questions
Coming to the end of January, and the first notch of the 2024 belt already punched, I’m reflecting back on the month that was to recall the things are that simply, but really, making a difference in life and work. And my intuitive but resonating conclusion is that getting the ingredients of engagement right is […]

The Fundamentals of Framing
Getting Perspective In the summer of 2023 I had the good fortune to visit Guernsey, and spend time with family there. Despite some off-norm weather, a more frequent occurance these days and a reminder of our planets rebuke, we had the most relaxing of times on an island that is laden with natures delights. One […]

The Change Conundrum
In a world where change is the only constant, understanding and navigating through it is a table stake for both individuals and organisations. But we find change hard, and it is perhaps the most consistent, and gnarly business dynamic of our time. The following insights aim to demystify the complexities of change, offering a distilled […]

Hosting and Honing a Digital Culture
Expert insights from Garvan Callan, Founder, at ONEZERO1. The ebb and flow of new themes that Boards are dealing with today continues to oscillate, and the pace is picking up. Climate and the broader ESG agenda, conflict and crisis, social and geopolitical shifts to name but a few – and that’s on top of the […]

Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today
INNOVATION THROUGH THE AGES: Since the beginning of time, man has inherently innovated to improve every aspect of life. This is a genetic strain that lives within all animals. Through the Metal Ages, the Agricultural Ages and into The Industrial Ages and it’s many ‘Revolutions’, we have evolved and innovated using the latest known materials […]

What ‘digital transformation’ really means
Reclaiming the ‘Transformation’ Title: If the Olympic Games handed out medals for buzzwords, ‘digital transformation’ would surely bring home the gold. However, the ubiquitous overuse of the term has also removed all clarity from the concept. It doesn’t matter who is to blame, though software vendors and marketing overlords selling digital transformation as the stairway […]

Are you Flourishing under Fire
How leaders and organisations respond, and the steps they take, will shape how they survive and more importantly emerge from the Covid-19 crisis to thrive into the future. We are all too aware of the unprecedented impact that Covid-19 is having on our personal and professional lives. In a crisis even the most capable leaders […]

The new Moore’s Laws
Is the field of genetics the next innovators sandpit ? Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, predicted in the mid 60’s that computer chip performance would double every c18 months (otherwise known as Moore’s Law) and we’ve seen that track through to the modern day, and witnessed the social, economic and global benefits that have resulted […]

Sophisticated, simplified and executed(ing) …
If you haven’t heard of Elon Musk and his vision for Tesla to regenerate the transport economy – well you should ! In 2006 he published an ambitious ‘Masterplan’ to revolutionise personal transport through affordably priced, electronically propelled family cars that would help to expedite the move from a mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy towards a solar […]

What’s all the fuss about … Over 1.2 million people are killed on the roads every year across the globe (40% are drink related), annually we waste light years, yes I said light years driving and mostly alone, never mind unconsciously chew up vast quantities of the earths natural resources (oil, the ozone, land etc) […]

Zooming in on the important things – you, me and us
I had the recent very good fortune to attend a few days in Silicon Valley at the invitation from those nice and very clever folks in Google, to meet and hear from some of the great technology innovative minds around Aside from being stimulated and invigorated about the possibilities available from the continued exponential development […]